The cynical cancerian

Stay away

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Its of no use Mr. President

They are going to send the bill to you again. And they know you have to accept it then. Whatever they might say, they know its all a farce. What did you expect by the way, by sending the bill for revision? Why the drama and all the sweet talk when their intentions are so very clear?

Monday, May 29, 2006

Just as I suspected

I had suspected all along that the result of the Ind-WI ODI series was predetermined. For that matter, I think all the series' results are determined at the time the schedules are decided. Contracts are drawn in detail about each match, how it will be played, who will win it and by what margin. We unsuspecting viewers are tricked into believing that the players are sweating it out there in the middle, trying to win the matches. It is all part of a bigger conspiracy to make cricket the world dominating sport. The facts are all over there to see. All we need is a little logic and reason. First, people in WI were losing interest in cricket because of their teams pathetic performances in the recent past. Second, the next cricket world cup is going to be held in ..... let me think ...... WI??? bingo. Add to it the point that to make a tournament a real success, we need crowds who buy tickets to watch the matches. So, how do we rekindle the lost interest? Win a home series ofcourse. If it is against a supposedly good team, one in the top half of the rankings, then the crowds would obviously think that their team has peaked at the right time, that they can beat anybody and what else but win the world cup. So India losing the ODI series should not be a surprise. The test series is going to be a different ball game. Since there is no test world cup and since Indian team agreed to lose the ODI series, they might have asked for a test series win so they have something to boast about back home. As I had earlier too, Im trying to get hold of copies of the contract signed between both the boards for this series. Until I succeed, I guess I'll have to be a silent spectator to the plight of my fellow cricket watchers.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

All are bastards

There's no doubt in it. Each and every one of them. Who gives a damn about social inequality? Everybody knows that the fucking bastards are doing all this for political mileage. The worst part is people who stand to gain by this stunt support the bastards while those who tend to lose oppose them. Its always the same. It finally comes down to the individual. And we all are screwed. Hopelessly screwed. A big round of applause for all those idiots who are going to herald a glorious future using something as primitive as caste. God help this country. Amen.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


A place to hide when Im terribly angry or very very frustrated (which is every day). A no holds barred expression of my anger towards the current state of affairs and my inability to alter anything. Not limited to my life alone. No logic, reason or analysis. Just blind hatred at its worst.