The cynical cancerian

Stay away

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Telangana, My Foot

All these buggers really care about is Hyderabad. Take it out of the new state and they got nothing to steal from

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Im no different

As selfish as everyone else. No matter what all I said earlier, no matter how I project myself, all my earlier talks not withstanding, when it comes to making choices, Im as selfish as everyone else, and Im not even ashamed of it.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Now I know

what's wrong with mankind. Yesterday we were watching a show on disocvery I think, which was showing something about the seven deadly sins in the animal kingdom. Whatever the purpose of the show was, what I understood really was that every animal has but one purpose in life and that is to pass on its genes so that the species survives. And all species are governed by one and only one principle, survival of the fittest. Nature has planned everything so meticulously and flawlessly that only the fittest animals get to pass their genes because their offspring have a greater chance of survival. But when it comes to humans, everything has gone wrong. Everybody gets to pass on their genes, the weak, the wicked, the stupid, the dumb, the foolish, the cruel, the sadistic, everyone. Its compulsory, and everyone has a chance. That is the reason the world is what it is today. If we look at ourselves as a species, we have tried to violate the principle of natural selection and succeeded. Nature is yet to find an answer to this menace. She will, someday :-)

Monday, June 19, 2006

Whats in it for me

Thats the single question that drives all human relations, no matter where or no matter when. That is not the problem. The problem is when people deny it and try to hide this fact in the guise of love, friendship, relationship and all this shit. The problem is when people dont believe what they say, dont say what they believe but spend whole lifetimes trying to convince others and themselves that the reverse is true. How pitiful is human existence and what scumbags we all are.

Monday, June 05, 2006

All because of

one stupid, senseless, insensitive, irresponsible idiot, who thinks all the road is his private property and he can drive his vehicle to any corner of the road so he will be the first to get out of a traffic jam. How many times do I have to see this, people pushing their vehicles into any little room that is available and blocking traffic from the other side. Why dont they realise that waiting behind the vehicle in front would make it a lot easier and traffic will be cleared a lot quicker? whats the damn hurry? when will this I dont care what hapens to others my purpose has to be served attitude change? Who is going to teach these little things to these overgrown idiots? God help this country.